Megan Conner 

Nicole Scherzinger: ‘I’m recklessly ambitious. In America, ambition is a good thing – it’s hunger, it’s drive’

The singer, 36, on her "Crybaby" nickname, her insatiable 20s, and London being her second home

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Nicole Scherzinger: 'The moment I connected with Whitney Houston's voice, I knew what I was going to do in life.' Photograph: Dave J Hogan/Getty Photograph: Dave J Hogan/Getty

I feel like I was born into this world knowing Whitney Houston. One of my earliest memories is getting her album for Christmas when I was six and singing "The Greatest Love of All". The moment I connected with her voice, I knew what I was going to do in life.

My vision and ambition were always bigger than me. When I was younger my voice was very small, kind of like a mouse. I was very shy.

It's a crazy name, Scherzinger. It comes from my adoptive father and the Austrian translation is jokester, which explains Schamazeballs [her phrase coined on the X Factor].

My 20s were fruitful but not enjoyable. Being in the Pussycat Dolls was probably my loneliest time because I was quite insatiable. Nothing was ever good enough and I didn't know how to take a break. My 30s have definitely been more chillaxed.

I keep my love life separate – and private. [Scherzinger has been dating F1 driver Lewis Hamilton on and off for six years.] My music is the only place I'm open about it.

I live by the "Aloha spirit". My soul is in Hawaii, where I was born. It's basically having heart and compassion for others. I can imagine retiring there, wearing a muumuu [a loose Hawaiian dress] and spending my days on a paddle board.

I'm glad I did the X Factor – I think I got to show my personality – but it feels right that I won't be on the show this year.

My nickname at school was Crybaby. Sometimes I can cry just talking because something means so much. And when I'm really hurting I just sob – a bit like someone is dying. I'm emotionally intense.

Spirituality has always been a part of me. I come from a very strong Catholic upbringing – my grandfather is a priest, so we went to church twice a week in Louisville, Kentucky, where I grew up.

I chose not to victimise myself as a kid. I didn't get to know my biological father until later on in life, but now I have a wonderful relationship with him and my stepdad, so I count myself lucky.

Eating well and working out is painstaking. It's as simple as that. When I really want to motivate myself I'll watch music videos. I saw J-Lo's latest video recently and was like: "Yep! Get in the gym." It was the same when I saw Beyoncé perform "Drunk in Love".

I'm recklessly ambitious. In America, ambition is a good thing – it's hunger, it's drive. I hate it when people use the word negatively.

The UK welcomed me with open arms, and London will always be my second home. If I'm away too long I start pining: black cabs, Percy Pigs. I love fish and chips.

'Your Love', Nicole Scherzinger's latest single, is out on 13 July


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