Dave Simpson 

King Creosote: From Scotland With Love review – disarmingly passionate

Kenny 'King Cresote' Anderson's documentary film soundtrack, for the Commonwealth Games, tours through Scotland's passages through war, labour, love and loss, writes Dave Simpson

Kenny ‘King Cresote’ Anderson
Labour of love … Kenny ‘King Cresote’ Anderson Photograph: Sean Dooley Photograph: Sean Dooley

As Scotland ponders the vote for independence, Fife singer-songwriter Kenny "King Creosote" Anderson's latest album is the soundtrack to a documentary film of the same name, to be released for the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. However, he's steered away from politicals in favour of 11 songs about Scotland's pride, people and their passage through centuries of war, labour, love and loss. From Cargill's stirring tales of "fisher lassies" (fishermen's wives) to Miserable Strangers' stories of homeless Scots forced to move for work, it's clearly a labour of love, and you can hear the emotion in the accordions, guitars, cellos and heartfelt lyrics. The pace ups for the rollicking Largs, while Bluebell, Cockleshell 123 features a children's choir for a deceptively playful tale about a funeral. Mostly, though, these are stately songs of disarming, hymnal passion. Opener Something to Believe In sounds as timeless as the Highlands, but you don't have to be Scottish to appreciate the anger and injustice in Pauper's Dough, and it's rousing rallying cry to "Rise above the gutter you are inside".


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