Caroline Sullivan 

Olly Murs – review

It's charming at first, but Olly Murs's perpetual good cheer becones a little off-putting after a while, writes Caroline Sullivan

iTunes Festival Day 3 - Olly Murs
Perpetual good cheer … Olly Murs. Photograph: C Brandon/Redferns Photograph: C Brandon/Redferns

Olly Murs surely daydreams about the day he'll assume Robbie Williams' mantle, a presumption that isn't as delusional as it sounds. Like Williams, he's made a career that relies as much on chappiness as it does singing, and, if this iTunes festival gig is typical, he appeals equally to young girls and the elders who control the purse-strings. Both his albums have reached No 1, and he's announced his second arena tour.

But it's Peter Andre, not Williams, who comes to mind – and not solely because he chirps the chorus of the former's Mysterious Girl while reminiscing about the Essex pubs in which he sang before he appeared on the 2009 X Factor. Murs offers a slick, impersonal "family show" (his words) that posits him as the kind of celeb who would cheerfully abseil down Canary Wharf as long as the cameras were there. He dances on one leg, slaps his own behind and even does press-ups.

Cheeky chappie he may be, but he's the sort who represses any vulnerability, even during a trio of songs that must mean a lot to him. The desolate soft rocker This Song Is About You is dedicated to his brother, who "sold a really horrible story about me to the tabloids"; I Don't Love You Too is about his grandparents' fraught marriage, and Please Don't Let Me Go was inspired by being dumped by a girlfriend during his first flush of X Factor fame. But such glimpses into his personal life are neutered by his show-must-go-on chirpiness. Nobody expects him to be Leonard Cohen, but Murs's perpetual good cheer makes it hard to engage with him.

The upside is that he's a pleasantly breezy pop-ska singer, and it would have been a hard soul who didn't jiggle a bit to a finale of Heart Skips a Beat. Andre, look to your laurels.


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